That man
Whom I called Uncle
Was born in the month of April
He did looked much older
Or maybe
He came in a stretcher
And we...
As we treat any other
Tried to figure out
His ailment, one after another
As natural as it has always been
An ordinary everyday routine
The importance of a vital sign
How we wanted them to be alligned
For all that came out of the ordinary
His Lung, his Heart and his kidney
That took it's toll on his blood pressure
Worsened by a high blood sugar
Blood count of trombositopenia
Blood gas metabolic acidemia
Deranged coagulation profile
His ailment, wasn't so mild!
The man whom I called Uncle
We all succumb to our "battle"
For though I could not say
Why I had wanted him to stay
In his last, my respect to "uncle" I pay
And quietly to thou I pray....
For he was once
An infant, a baby, a toddler
A child of curiosity and laughter
Perhaps a happy wondering teenager....
If you think so much about it
Will you get confused?
Is written Up In The Luh Mahfuz !
That man whom I called Uncle
Only that he was born in April
He did look much older
Or Maybe
because he came in a stretcher
We both were born in the same year....
(That awkward moment....Signing a Death Certificate of someone sebaya)
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