Jumaat, 18 Mei 2012

Somethin' at work place-The Drama

Today alone came a young man of less than 25 years old.  He had complained of Auditory Halucinations. Vital signs stable. GCS 15. Triage Green.  Called out his name Robert Carington Carmichael(okay that wasnt his real name! :p)

Me-Adik ada dengar suara-suara?
RCC-Ada! Aku nampak pun ada!
Me-Suara-suara tu cakap apa?
RCC-Hissshhhhh...Aku nak kena bunuh orang ni!
        -Aku nak kena buat jugak!
         (Clenched his teeth, clenched his fist, stared blankly at the wall! Kicked the dustbin infront...)
Me-(oh oh! i can almost hear his zygomatic bone shrieking against his maxilary)
         1.  Keep calm stay still.  Try to talk nicely, slowly.
         2.  Signalled to nurse to call the Security Guards. (Handsome junior! Will you pliz leave this room?)
         3.  Security guards came, one of them made phone call to the police.
         4.  Police came.  Handcuffed RCC.
         5.  Policemen slow talk to RCC.
         6.  Called Psychiatrist.
         7.  Give Intra Muscular Injection.
         8.  Nurse made registration for admission.
         9.  Police accompanied RCC to ward.
                        END OF DRAMA
       10.  Continue working with other patients.

(Ah! Now when i read it over...it doesnt sound as dramatic as it was then.... :p )
THANK YOU to those who were there...you all were awesome.
RCC-Get well soon ya!

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