Sabtu, 19 Disember 2015

i hid my wings so i dont fly

i hid my wings so i dont fly
and buried my feet  deep in the ground
for i have a cause for living my way
if that gives you a reason
to pound my head
so i might appear shorter
and you look a lot taller
looking down
and speaking down on me....
with the pounding
i am stronger on the ground
and the wings you tried
so hard  to build for yourself
will not fly
for wings dont fly
for you who make yourselves taller
by pounding others


Selasa, 30 Jun 2015

and your small time
white collar crime
and then get away with
like throwing the stone
then hiding your hand
off you blend
among the sand

and i fear
for the oncoming days
when your small time
white collar crime
is deeply rooted in your dime
when all that you yearn
from all that you earn
Just...doesn't rhyme!


Rabu, 10 Jun 2015

Let them be

Let them be
Just..let them be
The Bitch The Witch
The Devil's Wife
For they are struggling
Within their lives


The More The Merrier

the small boys with their big heads
and then
the big boy with  a small head
the black bitch of fire
the angel bitch...
A dagger, a stabber
rotten hearts
twisted tounge

Didnt they know?
I was once in great anger
with this man
and Allah sent someone
to chop his hand!

April 2015