Jumaat, 30 Disember 2011


When he came in with GCS 3
All we could refer to him was...an unknown he
And so..... we proceed with A B C D
We  scissored off the clothing and the undie

Underneath his  cloth
Was a wrap-around vest
That he meant to compress
his well rounded breasts!
And it did appear like he had
A flat chest.

When ends, is actually the beginning
Though eyes can be deceiving....
can sometimes be very revealing

Was he.... as confused as we ?
Coz he...was truly, truly a ShE!

Pikir-pikir sendiri


Thank You

Thank You
For teaching me
I do NOT want to be.

Respect gone vanished! :)

Sometimes 2

I want to know
I still have
That certain kind of respect
I used to have....

-Certain things for obvious reason...not worth respecting!

Isnin, 26 Disember 2011

Favourite Quotation 1

We are students and teachers at the same time...
What we teach is limited to what we learn
And what we learn is limited to what we choose to learn.

Jumaat, 23 Disember 2011


Slanderers Slander
H A P P Y?

wow! at the fictious story
But she admires the creativity! :)

Isnin, 19 Disember 2011

Most Beautiful.............

That Back Pain
Caused by
A Muscle strain
Is the most Beautiful of all complain

Neither from an Old Man nor Old Lady
A not so young chap of The Ordinary
He tried to lift up something heavy
Maybe around 10 to 12 k.g

It is.....
The BackPain of a Loving Daddy
For trying to lift up
His not yet a 1 year old Baby!

Thinks of her own Dad, carrying her on his right, brotha MusRamdzan on his left and baby Yayang climbing his back! :) :D <3

All in A Day's work-A career path? :D

Overheard a house officer, charting his career path:
'After Housemanship, I am going to join MCA, and then...I will work myself up to be the President of MCA!
And then, I will be so good, I ll become the Minister of Health..:) that time, I will be the Big Boss of everyone here...:)
OMG!!!!! I must take acting classes...you all must buy my VCD!'

I couldnt help :) :) :)

Sabtu, 17 Disember 2011

All in a Day's work- What's in a Name? :D

Our hospital just changed its name from Hospital Ipoh to Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, in honour of Her Royal Highness.
The patient was brought in by Ambulance Call to Yellow Zone. Allegedly fainted at home..(or was it by the road?) he had regained conciousness upon arrival.

Patient: Ini hospital apa nama aaa?
Us : Ini Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun.
Patient : Hospital..Raja Permaisuri aaa? Aiyoo...Sekarang wa mau balik apa macam?
Us : Apa pasai lu mau balik? Lu lagi sakit la.
Patient : Hah! Permaisuri aaa??? Aiyoo! Saya panggil itu orang, mesti mau bawa saya pegi hospital Ipoh!! Bukan hospital Permaisuriii....apa pasai dia bawa saya pegi ini hospital Permaisuri????!!!!
Sekarang aaa, hospital Permaisuri...mesti mau bayar mahal ka?
Us : Hahaahaaa..

All in a Day's work-The Coconut Story :)

House Officer :  We have a 30 year old male.  Allegedly had this fruit fell and  hit slightly on to his head.  There is no loss of conciousness but he complained of giddiness, a bit of nausea but no vomitting.  And there is quite a swelling over the right parietal area.

Me:( Nodded)

House officer :  dr aasiyaa....do you know what kind of fruit could this be?  This guy, the patient...he called it...NYOQ!

Me: hahahahahah :D

p/s moral of the story:  not only have we got to be at least bilingual...but also MULTIDIALECTS! :)

The Reality of Death- A self reminder

What He conveyed through His Book :

"It is He Who gives Life and Death;
 And when He decides upon an affair....
 He says to it    "Be"!
"and it is. "
(Surah Al- Mu'min -The Believer 40:68)

"Every soul shall have taste of death;
  In the end...
  to Us shall ye be brought back
  (Surah Al-'Ankabut The Spider 29:57)

"Truly thou wilt die one day 
   and truly they  too will die one day."
  (Surah Al Zumar , The Crowds  39:30)

"Nor does anyone know what it is that he will earn on the morrow:
  Nor does anyone know in what land he is to die.
  Verily with God is full knowledge
  and He is acquainted (with all things)"
  (Surah Luqman  31:34) 

"Nor can a soul die except by God as leave
  the term being fixed as by writing.
  Many do desire a reward in this life
  We shall give it to him
  And if any do desire a reward In the hereafter
  We shall give it to him.
  And swiftly....
  shall We reward those that serve Us with gratitude"
  (Surah Al-'Imran -The family of Imraan 3:145)

"It is God that takes the souls of men at death;
  and those that die not,  He takes during their sleep:
  those on whom He has passed the decree of death,
  He keeps back from returning to life
  but the rest.....
  He sends to their bodies for a term appointed.
  Verily in this are Signs for those who reflect.
  (Surah Al-Zumar - The Crowds 39:42)

"What is the life of this world but amusement and play?
  But verily the Home in the Hereafter, that is life indeed, if they but knew."
  (Surah Al-Ankabut -The Spider:  (29:64)

  "Say: "The Angel of Death put in charge of you, will (duly) take your souls:
    Then  shall ye be brought back to your Lord. "
    (Surah Al-Sajdah- Prostration:32:11)

   "Blessed be He in Whose hands is Dominion:
     and He over all things hath Power;
     He Who created Death and Life
     that He may try which of you is best in deed:
     and he is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving;....
     (Surah Al-Mulkhat  67:1-2)
      "O my People!
      This life of the present is nothing but (temporary) convenience.
       It is the Hereafter that is the Home that will last. "
     (Surah Al Mu'min -The Believer:  (40 39)

she tends to forget...
(To  all the souls who met their deaths at her workplace..
 and THANK YOU .....for reminding me)
  Alfatihah and may The Path ahead be a pleasant one.

Selasa, 22 November 2011


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

96:1 Read in the name of thy Lord Who createsa

96:2 Creates man from a clot,

96:3 Read and thy Lord is most Generous,a

96:4 Who taught by the pen,a

96:5 Taught man what he knew not.

is fascinated that the first Revelation of The Quran is for mankind to READ!
The question is....have we read enough?

 Say: "If the ocean were ink (wherewith to write out) the words of my Lord, sooner would the ocean be exhausted than would the words of my Lord, even if we added another ocean like it, for its aid." 

And if all the trees on the earth were pens and the sea (were ink), with seven seas behind it to increase it, yet the Words of Allah would not be exhausted. Verily, Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.)

That's VAST!


And in doing so...
There are things we hold close to the hearts

Aasiyaa-watched Criminal Minds on TV

Sabtu, 12 November 2011

Jumaat, 11 November 2011

The Untitled


Khamis, 27 Oktober 2011


Even if
The Sun and The Stars
Shines down
And The Moon
Stops Illuminating
Far over my Tropical Sea
And The Snow on The White Bloody Mountains
Melted to Death
Weeping over a Dying pine tree
Grief? my broken heart!
Grief? for a love so true....
For The Heart knows
It will always..and always
Still be..YOU!

( Semonel! :))



jika petang ini hujan lagi
menempiasi pipimu
Biarkan ia di situ
Kerana itu adalah


Jumaat, 7 Oktober 2011

Remembering and :)

Ah! All the inconvenience of a telephone ring
About being polite and pretentiously smiling
And how at nights it can be disturbing
When All we wanted….
 was some peaceful sleeping

It could have been
More than the telephone ring
But for months….
All we did  were the  nodding nodding
And then kept the smiling smiling
No one seemed to want to say anything

And then one day….
Not working, not studying
And we had sort of a gathering
And then,
Wwow!! !  Everyone’s here
And we get to be talking!!!
Though I know them not to be into gossiping
I found this one to be extremely fascinating! 

A: kenapa ya CENTIL banget sih?
B who is Javanese, say it in a politely elegant way
B: dia itu justeru  PERCAYA DIRInya tinggi amat!
C  who is into some psychosocial term?
Me  had my head scratching and scratching
Tried to figure the  words and its meaning
D who is truly truly a doll
 ‘explain’ it to me …Once and for all 
D: Aku tak tau laa depa kata apa
B tu baik sungguh…baguih dia pangge
‘percaya diri yang tinggi amat’
Kalau kat kampong aku kat Sungai Petani
Had lagu tu..depa pangge

Just remembering….:D

Khamis, 26 Mei 2011

She(2) Tribute to a Mother

 It is not uncommon really
They signed At Own Risk (AOR) discharge willingly
The latest one I met was a 42 year old lady
Because at home she said, she has a small, little REAL baby!
You know
With my sweet, beautiful, real, true friends scattered globally
The new ones i tried to make now..are kind of "stinky"
Life in Parit Buntar can get very lonely
And My Mum..sort of " preserved" me a teenager, a child...a baby! :)
It is not all that bad,,,totally.
For I know...
I dont have the strengh as she
To be working shift hours daily
Use up her energy as a cleaning lady
The Sole Breadwinner of her family
8 children,6 schoolgoing...age gap 1-2 years barely
The youngest being a breastfeeding baby
Diagnosed to have a n underlying illness medically
Her husband...
Unemployed. Always get drunk...and now  DAH CABUT LARI!!!
Aasiyaa- met a lady

Isnin, 21 Mac 2011

She ???!!!!

No matter how much I tried
With all my heart  with all my might
With an  empathy for  a different insight
It doesn’t feel  right…..

To be talking about  0.625mg Primarin
So that you could maintain a soft smooth skin
That in bed you would feel like a “Queen”
Though I wouldn’t really understand what that mean!

But you wanted a full rounded breast!
So that they protrude above your chest
Loneliness is killing you on this soil of our homeland
It’s been 3 months ..you haven’t been ‘touched’ by any man!

I rather if  we talk about beauty
How cumbersome that you have to shave daily
Though I think   your make up is kind of thick
That! Is  my favourite colour of pink lipstick

I am at loss for what solution    would be best
Truthfully…I think you should take a good rest
Maybe take a new turn more or less
Think of Allah, His Messages…as Life is Lots of Test

180/100 is a very high shoot up BP
 Mind you…You were born in 1950
A baby boy, 46XY and that’s the way it stay
Until  your dying day……..


46XX and never ever wanted to be a 46XY
Any clinical trials done on “the other” side effecst of long term use of Primarin in MEN? :(
Prophet Lut………(Peace be Upon him)


Aunty A was born in 1941.  AUnty B in1926. AUnty C in 1928
AUnty A  and C was in Red Critical Zone
AUnty A was down with Pneumonia and had her daughter by her side
Aunty C fell from her bicycle and her son was anxious

AUnty B was stable and in a Greener zone
She walks with a gait and like she has Parkinson
Two metres away but she walked so slowly
Speaks with a slurr you  have to listen very carefully
She loss her balance and trip and fell
She called a taxi cause she really felt unwell
It was so painfull at  the site it swell
But the story in her eyes, as she talked and tell..

'They are trying to get me a Filipino maid
My 2 children in London...this she said'.
