Khamis, 29 Mac 2012

All in a Day's work!-Language not a barrier@Geriatry Care :)

tan ku chun-cholesterol
Hui quai-Blood pressure high
Ti jio-kencing manis
Pai it-Monday
Pai sa-Tuesday
Pai Gor-Wednesday
Sim- Heart
Bo Ho- Not good.
Ciak iyok- eat medicine

Me- Uncle Aaaaa, Lu tankuchun quai! Lu hui quai!
        Lu Mai ciak iyok......
        Lu Ti jio Bo Ho!
        Lu Sim Bo Ho!
        Lu Yochi Bo Ho! 

dr Aasiyaa  conveying message in Hokkien 
@ attempted AhMoi  :)

All in a Day's work-Language barrier...:)

Nanda-Achiii...Apa itu LAPANG?
Me-Huh!? Apa pasai Nanda? Ada apa sama itu..LAPANG?
Nanda-Ta da laa, itu Achiii, VIP punya bilik, dia 10 ringgit juga kasi
      Belakang aaa, dia cakap 'Kalau ada Lapang kalu, pigi beli MAJALLA.
Me-Hahahahhaaa :) :) :D
       Itu Lapang Nanda, serupa macam ...itu Orang Putih cakap, Free Time laa.
       Free time itu serupa macam, sudah abis kerja kalu, sampah semua sudah sapu
       Bilik air sudah cuci, semua sudah bersih, apa kerja pun ta da. Jadi, itu sepuluh
       ringgit, bole pigi  kedai beli Majalah, kasi sama dia!
Nanda-Ayoyo! Itu macam kaa? Saya tak tau apa itu LAPANG, saya ingat serupa macam
            KOI kaa?
Me- Haaahaaaha haahahaahh! :D

Achii Aasiyaa
Post SPM, attempted first job, helping Kak Ani The Neighbour runs her Rest House business.
Nanda was the cleaner guy :)
LAPANG-free time

Ahad, 25 Mac 2012

All in a family's life-Dad's friend and Geriatry Care! :)

Pakcik- Assalamualaikum!
Pakcik-Ayah Hang ada?
Me-Abah tak dak, pi keluaq sat, Satni dia balik la.
       Pakcik nak tunggu , Pakcik duk la dulu.
Pakcik-Takpa la. Pakcik mai ni nak ajak  Ayah hang mai keNuri kat rumoh Pakcik.
           -Mai naa, jangan lupa pulak!
Me-Buleh laa nak pi keNuri rumoh Pakcik! :) Berapa haribulan?
Pakcik-Ni...TIGAPULUH TUJUH haribulan.
Me-KwaaaKwaaaKwaaa :D

-Now i know it was Dementia :)
-Cerebral Atrophy on CT Scan!

Queries II

Cewek yang bener-bener
Pengin Gue tonjok itu.....
Hari ini muncul lagi.
Ngomong itu
Ngomong ini
Dia bilang Pain skor 9
Tapi kok masih bisa 'nyanyi'?
Terus ngebohong lagi!
Kalau kita bisa mikir ya
Cerita2 nya...
Nggak nyambung sama sekali!

-Mikirnya ya dia "shopping' kali!

Rabu, 21 Mac 2012

Self Reminder *


-Kalau tidak dosa nanti padan muka!

Isnin, 19 Mac 2012


1.  If you ve been diagnosed with Pancreatic Ca stage 4...I seriously marvelled that you are still alive!...WHat?? since 2006???
2.  That you have a "clarification letter" that you are allergic to ALL sort of analgesics..including PCM???? with the exception of PHETIDINE????? :)...............evil smile!!!!
3. ANd now you made me Google the maximum dose of Phetidine in one 24 hour!!!! You are 'entitled' to a 600 mg in 1 day????
whoaaaaaaaaaaaa (*O*)
4.  And that your current hubba is in the Artillery Army...and he is allowed that longggggg hair???
5. Pssstt pssst that kakak from MAKNA, she doesnt know you exist! Tau tak?
6.  I swear if you come again I will call the police!

Ini pagi jam dua-an ada yang pengin gue tonjok!

Rabu, 14 Mac 2012

Take Care because We Care!

That if you die in this foreign country
It's not about you...but your entire family!
For surely, your Mum will be so sad...
You, her homegrown baby
Is stone and cold and dead!

I imagine you had a brother
Or maybe 1 or 2 little sister
What then, say your father?
Your Uncles and Aunties as they gather?
Or what if you had a bosom Sweetheart?
For a thousand years, her soul is shut?

Dont ignore yourself...
Even with the slightest fever
Fellow Country Men...
You all are supposed to care for each other??!!

Ah...I can hear the sound of weeping
And the sadness and the voices of grieving
And as the echoes fill the entire Kathmandu Valley
It reflects the front garden of my own country..............

No! I wasn't missing anybody!
The intubated guy, he passed away in ICU
He was a Nepalese.
He worked in a factory.

Ahad, 11 Mac 2012

All in a Family's life-What's in a name? :)

My nephew Amir was 4-5 years then and living up to his name Amir which in Arabic  means Commander, General or a Chief. :)
His mum couldn't stand it any longer with the shouting and fighting between the siblings when he couldn't get his way.

Mum: Mak rasa kita kena tukar lah nama Amir ni...tak boleh panggil Amir, tak berapa sesuai....
Amir : Boleh...tukar nama Amir, tapi Amir yang pilih nama tu! :)............(i still remember his cheeky smile)
Mum:  Amir nak nama apa?
Amir: Okay boleh pilih ni...
          Raphael,  MichaelAngelo, Leonardo  ataupun Donatello!
Me:(dalam hati...hahahahaha!)

p/s Well...The Ninja Turtle were very famous then. :D

When The TV starts Watcing Me! :) :) :p

Khamis, 1 Mac 2012


Used and always  write it down as

if we laughed a little bit rude?

Someone said that if we laughed
terbahak-bahak, then we write it

But what is ketawa...
Ketawa terkekeh-kekeh?

if one is trying to hide the laughter

Ghosts laugh:
(must imagine the fangs and unscrupulous hair+red eyes and all...:)

Naughty laugh

SantaClaus's trademark

Laughing and Coughing

Now they use in  the internet
(that's all in my internet vocab! :)
